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Wallis Sands State Park
Rye New Hampshire Recreation

Wallis Sands State Park
NameWallis Sands State Park
CategorySeacoast New Hampshire Recreation
DescriptionWallis Sands State Park offers oceanfront swimming, views of the Isles of Shoals, and a sandy beach that families especially enjoy. Beach amenities include a store that sells a variety of items, food, and drinks; and a large bathhouse with hot and cold showers. The park has a grassy area with picnic tables, but fires are not allowed. The parking lot can accommodate 500 cars. Prior to visiting seacoast, familiarize yourself with the Seacoast Beach information as well as Seacoast Beach parking options.

Wallis Sands State Park has picnicking, restrooms, swimming and parking.
Address1050 Ocean Blvd
CSZRye, NH 03870
Phone 1(603) 436-9404
Handicapped AccessibleYes
Last Updated8/11/2022

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