Tourism Saskatoon Top Attraction! Tour in Saskatoon, SK CAN
Tourism Saskatoon is a membership based non-profit organization providing Visitor Services, Marketing and Membership Services for the city. We are passionate about Saskatoon, and ensuring every visitor departs with great memories of our beautiful city. Tourism Saskatoon is a membership based non-profit organization providing Visitor Services, Marketing and Membership Services for the city.
Remai Modern Top Attraction! Art Gallery in Saskatoon, SK CAN
A new museum of modern and contemporary art. Located in downtown Saskatoon, Remai Modern is a new museum of modern and contemporary art. It boasts 11 gallery spaces and a wide variety of programs including films, workshops, talks and more.
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame Museum in Regina, SK CAN
Preserving the rich sport history of Saskatchewan. The Hall of Fame was established to honour outstanding Saskatchewan athletes, championship teams and sport builders as well as preserving the history of Saskatchewan sport.
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame Hall of Fame Museum in Regina, SK CAN
Preserving the history of Saskatchewan sports. Dedicated to preserving the history of sport in Saskatchewan. Displays include portraits and citations of inductees, sports memorabilia and artifacts.
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame School's Out program Sport in Regina, SK CAN
Come enjoy a fun two-hours at the SSHF Kids out of school and don’t know what to do? Come and hang out and have some fun at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF)!
The SSHF is offering a free program during the February break to encourage kids to have fun and keep active.
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame winter snowshoe day Recreation in Regina, SK CAN
Come enjoy some winter fun indoors and outdoors! The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame will be hosting a FREE Winter Pop-Up event in partnership with the City of Regina on Saturday, Nov. 25. The event will run from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. at the Hall of Fame and across the street in Victoria Park.
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame's Creating Active Champions Sport in Regina, SK CAN
More options for a fun, active summer Are you looking for something to do with your children this summer? Our Creating Active Champions summer program is a great way to have fun and stay active through the summer months. The program will begin on July 4 and run on weekdays through August 18.
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame Museum in Regina, SK CAN
Overtime - Play Past Regulation Hours Have you ever wanted to visit the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame, but found the hours don’t work with your busy schedule? You’re in luck!
We have recently started a new initiative, Overtime – Play Past Regulation Hours.
Venice House Italian restaurant in Prince Albert, SK CAN
Venice House is a family-owned restaurant in Prince Albert. Venice House is a family-owned restaurant in Prince Albert that's been serving up delicious dishes since 1976. Our menu includes Italian, Greek, and Canadian cuisine, all made from scratch with fresh ingredients.
Wascana Centre Nature in Regina, SK CAN
Wascana Centre is known internationally as a beautifully landscaped park surrounding a 120-hectare lake located in the heart of the City of Regina.