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U S S Arizona Memorial
Honolulu Hawaii National Park

U S S Arizona Memorial
NameU S S Arizona Memorial
Brief DescriptionNational Monument
CategoryHonolulu Hawaii National Park
DescriptionOil droplets bubble to the surface of Pearl Harbor above the USS Arizona, creating a vivid link to the past. On a quiet Sunday morning December 7, 1941 a Japanese surprise air attack left the Pacific Fleet in smoldering heaps of broken, twisted steel. Here, peace was interrupted and paradise lost. In hours, 2,390 futures were stolen, half of these casualties from the battleship Arizona.

Behind the shadows of destroyed airfields, aircraft, and ships, America fought fear, and a determined enemy responding with an unrivaled war effort. An epic battle for democratic ideals and world freedom would bloody the fields of Europe and the islands of the Pacific over the next four years.

The USS Arizona Memorial as a national shrine symbolizes American sacrifice and resolve. Through national tragedy, a sleeping giant awoke and the United States moved towards its destiny as a global power.

Address1 Arizona Memorial Place
CSZHonolulu, HI 96842
Phone 1(808) 422-3300
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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