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Tinley Park Turkey Trot
Tinley Park Illinois Recreation

NameTinley Park Turkey Trot
Brief DescriptionRun
CategoryJoliet Illinois Recreation
DescriptionAwards will be given for first, second and third place runners in all age categories, male and female, based on chip timing. An award will also be given to the best overall resident and non-resident male and female runner. Unisex tech shirts will be awarded to the first 550 registered participants. Pre-registration closes October 27 at 3PM. Registration and preregistration pick up will open again at 7AM on race day at Vogt Woods. Packet pick-up will be held October 28-29 from 8AM-3PM at the Recreation Center.
Address6527 W. 171st St.
CSZTinley Park, IL.
Phone 1(708) 342-4200
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated10/7/2017

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