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Hiawatha Iowa Recreation

Brief DescriptionWith 2.5 miles of hiking trails over 70 acres of woods and prairie, Prairiewoods is a place of peace and transformation that is available to all.á
CategoryIowa Recreation
DescriptionPrairiewoods is an ecospirituality retreat and conference center, a sacred space where people of all faiths and cultures are invited to explore and nurture their relationships with the Source of All Being, Earth, self and others, with an increasing awareness of the story of the universe. áWith 2.5 miles of hiking trails over 70 acres of woods and prairie, Prairiewoods is a place of peace and transformation that is available to all. áAdd a massage, time in our meditation room, afresh meal or a serene walk on our outdoor labyrinth for added relaxation!
Address120 E Boyson Rd
CSZHiawatha, IA 52233
Phone 1(319) 395-6700
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated10/10/2013

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