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Niagara Falls State Park
Niagara Falls New York National Park

Niagara Falls State Park
NameNiagara Falls State Park
CategoryNiagara Falls New York National Park
DescriptionFor generations, the majestic beauty and humbling power of Niagara Falls State Park has fostered a sense of awe and wonder. Through the years, countless people have enjoyed the sparkling scenery of the falls, making the Niagara Falls vacation spot a favorite for the whole family. Writers, artists and prominent figures have also flocked to the falls to feel the spark of creativity only the park's panoramic views can create. Experience Niagara Falls State Park's rushing torrents, spectacular scenery and one-of-a-kind attractions while letting your excitement flow as freely as the waters. The American Falls feature a variety of adventures to help you make the most of your trip. Dine at the Top of the Falls Restaurant, walk right up to the base of Niagara Falls during the Cave of the Winds tour, or let the water fall all around you during the Maid of the Mist« boat ride.
CSZNiagara Falls, NY 14305
Phone 1(716) 278-0337
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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