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Manassas National Battlefield Park
Manassas Virginia National Park

Manassas National Battlefield Park
NameManassas National Battlefield Park
Brief DescriptionNational Battlefield Park
CategoryNorthern Virginia National Park
DescriptionManassas National Battlefield park was established in 1940 to preserve the scene of two major Civil War battles. Located a few miles north of the prized railroad junction of Manassas, Virginia, the peaceful Virginia countryside bore witness to clashes between the armies of the North and South in 1861 and 1862.

Today the battlefield park provides the opportunity for visitors to explore the historic terrain where men fought and died for their beliefs a century ago.

Address6511 Sudley Road
CSZManassas, VA 20113
Phone 1(703) 361-1339
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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