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Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove On The Potomac
Arlington Virginia National Park

Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove On The Potomac
NameLyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove On The Potomac
Brief DescriptionNational Park
CategoryNorthern Virginia National Park
DescriptionThe Memorial is located in Lady Bird Johnson Park, a Potomac River island in Washington, D.C. The grove consists of two parts. The first area, commemorative in nature, is a granite monolith surrounded by a serpentine pattern of walks and trails. The second area is a grass meadow and provides a tranquil refuge for reflection and rejuvination of the spirit. The trails are shaded by a grove of hundreds of white pine and dogwood trees, and framed by azaleas and rhododendron.

CSZArlington, VA 22246
Phone 1(703) 289-2500
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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