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Lincoln Memorial
Washington District of Columbia National Park

Lincoln Memorial
NameLincoln Memorial
Brief DescriptionNational Memorial
CategoryWashington District of Columbia National Park
DescriptionThe Lincoln Memorial is a tribute to President Abraham Lincoln and the nation he fought to preserve during the Civil War (1861-1865).

The Lincoln Memorial was built to resemble a Greek temple. It has 36 Doric columns, one for each state at the time of Lincolns death. A sculpture by Daniel Chester French of a seated Lincoln is in the center of the memorial chamber.

Inscribed on the south wall of the monument is the Gettysburg Address. Above it is a mural painted by Jules Guerin depicting the angel of truth freeing a slave. Guerin also painted the unity of North and South mural on the north wall. Etched into the north wall below the mural is Lincolns second inaugural speech.

CSZWashington, DC 20599
Phone 1(202) 426-6841
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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