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Fadden's Sugar House
North Woodstock New Hampshire Tour

Fadden's Sugar House
NameFadden's Sugar House
CategoryWhite-Mountains New Hampshire Tour
DescriptionThe Fadden Family's modern sugarhouse is located next to Peg's Restaurant in downtown North Woodstock and contains state-of-the-art equipment. Maple sap enters the sugarhouse where it pumped through a reverse osmosis machine which removes up to 75% of the water. The resulting concentrate is then boiled down to the syrup stage in a 4x12 oil-fired evaporator. After passing through a filter press, the crystal clear amber syrup is packaged into various containers with use of a 40 gallon canning unit. Fadden's Sugarhouse is open to the public whenever they are boiling. They are also open during New Hampshire Maple Weekend and can accommodate bus tours and groups by appointment. People who would like to see a modern maple operation that makes award-winning syrup should stop by Fadden's and experience seven generations of maple perfection.
Address99 Main Street
CSZNorth Woodstock, NH 03262
Phone 1(603) 745-8371
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated12/3/2013

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