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Chamizal National Memorial
El Paso Texas National Park

Chamizal National Memorial
NameChamizal National Memorial
Brief DescriptionNational Memorial
CategoryEl Paso Texas National Park
DescriptionThe Chamizal Convention was a milestone in diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States in 1963. Chamizal National Memorial was established to commemorate this treaty which resulted in the peaceful settlement of a century-long boundary dispute between the neighboring countries. Far more than mere acreage, Chamizal is an idea, a dynamic process, dedicated to furthering the spirit of understanding and goodwill between two nations that share one border. Utilizing the visual, literary and performing arts as a medium of interchange, Chamizal serves as an open door to help people better understand not only other cultures, but their own cultural roots as well.

CSZEl Paso, TX 88590
Phone 1(915) 532-7273
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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