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Aztec Ruins National Monument
Aztec New Mexico National Park

Aztec Ruins National Monument
NameAztec Ruins National Monument
Brief DescriptionNational Park
CategoryFarmington New Mexico National Park
DescriptionAztec Ruins National Monument preserves structures and artifacts of Ancestral Pueblo people from the 1100's through 1200s. People associated with Chaco Canyon to the south built and used the structures, then people related to the Mesa Verde region to the north used the site in the 1200's. The monument was established in 1923, and designated a World Heritage Site in 1987. Acreage: 319.47

Address84 County Road 2900 (""Ruins Road"")
CSZAztec, NM 87410
Phone 1(505) 334-6174
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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