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Assateague Island National Seashore
Berlin Maryland National Park

Assateague Island National Seashore
NameAssateague Island National Seashore
Brief DescriptionNational Park
CategoryOcean City Maryland National Park
DescriptionStorm tossed seas, as well as gentle breezes shape Assateague Island. This barrier island is a tale of constant movement and change.

Bands of wild horses freely roam amongst plants and native animals that have adapted to a life of sand, salt and wind. Special thickened leaves and odd shapes reveal the plant worlds successful struggle here. Ghost crabs buried in the cool beach sand and tree swallows plucking bayberries on their southward migration offer glimpses of the animal worlds connection to Assateague.

Human struggles are intertwined with this island at the oceans edge. Gallant surf rescues by the US Life-Saving Service and dashed dreams of a summer beach resort are but a few of the stories told here.

Marine and terrestrial life functioning in concert offer a closer look at a natural and cultural world shaped by forces larger than our own.

CSZBerlin, MD 21811
Phone 1(410) 641-1441
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013

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