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Shenandoah Valley Cultural Heritage Museum at The Edinburg M
Edinburg Virginia Historic Site

Shenandoah Valley Cultural Heritage Museum at The Edinburg M
NameShenandoah Valley Cultural Heritage Museum at The Edinburg M
CategoryShenandoah-Valley Virginia Historic Site
DescriptionThe 1848 Edinburg Mill -- one of the few Mills to escape the burning of the Civil War -- has been tastefully and creatively adapted to house a 20,000+ sq.ft. museum devoted to the cultural life and transportation in the County through the years. It is located on the historic great valley pike (US-11), the Shenandoah river and the nearby railroad. There is also a Visitor Center. The Edinburg/Madison District museum has been relocated to the Mill and countless additional exhibits have been added to display artifacts that demonstrate the rich local history of this agricultural area. There are exhibits on the Civil War, as well as on the nation's first Civilian Conservation Camp, which was established just outside Edinburg. There are also exhibits on Military attire, fashions, Red Cross,farming,Indians, trains,cameras,butchering and area businesses of yesteryear. Daily showings of the film, "The Burning" based on the John Heatwole book of the same name take place in the Mill theater. The main museum displays are located on the second and third floors, accessible by elevator, and require an admission donation of $3. No fee to visit first floor exhibits and 2 gift well-stocked shops. The Heritage Mill Wines 1848 is located on the lower level, as well as a restaurant open Wednesday through Sunday. In addition, 2 banquet rooms host receptions, reunions, meetings and special events. Ample parking is available and there is a host of resident ducks to feed and photograph.
Address214 South Main Street
CSZEdinburg, VA 22824
Phone 1(540) 984-8400
Handicapped AccessibleYes
Last Updated6/15/2018


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