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Virginia City & Nevada City
Virginia City Montana Museum

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NameVirginia City & Nevada City
Brief DescriptionExperience the very much alive ghost town of Virginia City, a preserved gold mining town 90 miles from Yellowstone National Park that will fascinate your family. Nearby, Nevada City, offers over 100 buildings, living history programs and train rides.
DescriptionVirginia City was born with the discovery of gold in Alder Gulch in 1863. A "boom town of the post-Civil War era, it served as the Montana territorial capital for 10 years, until the gold ran out. Nevada City, a western town created from a collection of buildings from other ghost towns, is one mile west of Virginia City. The Montana Historical Society has certified 150 buildings as authentic, while the Smithsonian states that the largest collection of old-west artifacts outside of the Smithsonian is found in these two towns. Some of these buildings are filled with merchandise and implements used when gold camps flourished in the West. An old livery stable, converted into an Opera House, houses the illustrious Virginia City Players, who perform 19th- century melodrama every summer evening. The Brewery Follies performs its burlesque cabaret show at the old H.S. Gilbert Brewery. Travel between Virginia City and Nevada City on the Alder Gulch Short Line Railroad. At the Nevada City end line, visit the Alder Gulch Short Line Steam Railroad Museum with its collection of equipment and stock from railroading's gold rush ear. Every weekend, from Memorial Day through Labor Day, a Living History program is held in Nevada City. See what the Old West was really like not theatrical gunfights, but real life during the Gold Rush era. Events are historically researched, and accurately portrayed. Events include interpretation of what it was like to really live in a frontier town in Montana. Take time out of your fast paced life to visit with the "People of the Past, period correct costumed interpreters will help to guide your experience and teach you about Montana's early days. When you step into Nevada City, you will feel as if you are stepping into another era, the sights, sounds, and smells, of the past. Virginia City is open year-round, with seasonal businesses operating.
Phone 1(406) 843-5247
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated6/28/2011
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