Vacation Ideas and Fun Things To Do

Things To Do In Houston
Houston Texas Recreation

NameThings To Do In Houston
Brief DescriptionDowntown Houston can be a fun place to visit.
CategoryHouston Texas Recreation
There's plenty of cool stuff to do for everyone from seniors to the tots. From loners to blabber-mouths. What's really good is that just about any day is a good day to checkout the fantastic skyline and laid back atmosphere of the city. Unlike the suburbs surrounding Houston, downtown is neatly configured so that you can get from place to place relatively easy.

Tops on the list is Sam Houston Park.
Buffalo Bayou Walking Trail
Minute Maid Park
Discovery Green
Houston's Bayou Place

This is just a sampling of my list. There's lots of other interesting and entertaining diversions you can get into while visiting downtown Houston. Don't get hung up trying to plan every little detail, go freestyle and you'll still max out your fun quotient in downtown.
If you want to see lot's more exciting enriching and entertaining things to do in Houston visit Midtownlive.
CSZHouston, Tx, 77002
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated2/10/2010


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