Vacation Ideas and Fun Things To Do

Madawaska Four Corners Park
Madawaska Maine Theme Park

Madawaska Four Corners Park
NameMadawaska Four Corners Park
Brief DescriptionOnly park in the world for long distance motorcycling
CategoryMaine Theme Park
DescriptionLocated prominently in downtown Madawaska, Maine, our park features an impressive 12-foot tall blue pearl granite
monument and a lighted water fountain, surrounded by granite benches and tables, a drinking fountain also a storyboard,
and a fireplace. The park landscaping includes flowers and trees to create shade and beauty for visitors to enjoy. The
park also features paths paved with engraved stones celebrating Four Corners tour participants and fellow bikers.
This is the only park in the world of this nature (a park dedicated to motorcyclists and long distance riders).
Address213 west main
 P.O.Box 261
CSZMadawaska Maine 04756
Phone 1(207) 436-7451
Handicapped AccessibleYes
Time Allowancenone
HoursMonday -Sunday 6:00am-10:00pm
Last Updated10/10/2023

Reviews for Madawaska Four Corners Park

5 StarsExcellent!If you are in the vicinity of Madawaska Maine, please be sure to go check out the Four Corners Park.
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