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Glacier National Park
West Glacier Montana National Park

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NameGlacier National Park
Brief DescriptionNational Park
CategoryNational Park
DescriptionCrown of the Continent, World Heritage Site, International Peace Park. Glacier National Park answers to many names, but the grizzlies and black bears, mountain goats, Rocky Mountain sheep, wolves, mountain lions, moose and elk, along with hundreds of other species living there call it home. Glacier became a national park in 1910, and today it's still a throwback to the time when Mother Nature was in charge. Its more than one million acres are filled with wildlife, dense forests, jagged peaks and alpine glaciers. And it's home to one of the most stunning drives in America: the appropriately names Going-to-the-Sun Road, which climbs the Continental Divide to Logan Pass Visitor Center. With more than 700 miles of trails, Glacier is a hiker's haven. Five self-guided interpretive walks with brochures and signs let visitors experience Glacier's outdoor wonders at their own pace the Trail of the Cedars, Huckleberry Mountain, Hidden Lake, Sun Point and Swiftcurrent Nature Trail. The Trail of the Cedars is a wheelchair-accessible path through giant, old-growth cedars. Visitors can find scores of day hikes throughout the park, but four areas in particular are popular: Lake McDonald, Many Glacier, St. Mary/Logan Pass and Two Medicine. Hikers can also camp overnight in Glacier's backcountry with a permit from a visitor center or ranger station, which are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Glacier offers a vast array of experience too. Spend the morning hiking the trails and in the afternoon take a scenic boat ride on one of four lakes, overnight in one of the historic lodges found throughout the park. The next day, take a guided tour either the iconic 'red jammer' bus or with a Native American for a unique perspective on the Backbone of the World. Later, take a horseback trail ride or explore other trails for more breathtaking beauty. Together with Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada (its neighbor to the north, with which it shares a border), Glacier National Pa
Phone 1(406) 888-7800
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Last Updated1/23/2013
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Glacier National Park - West Glacier, MT 59936

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