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Ennis Bluebonnet Trails
Ennis Texas Nature

Ennis Bluebonnet Trails
NameEnnis Bluebonnet Trails
Brief Description40 miles of mapped driving bluebonnet trails
CategoryDallas Texas Nature
DescriptionDesignated by the 1997 State Legislature as the home of the "Official Texas Bluebonnet Trail" and as the "Official Bluebonnet City of Texas", Ennis showcases over 40 miles of mapped driving Bluebonnet Trails sponsored by the Ennis Garden Club every April.
These trails are the oldest such trails known in the state, and tens of thousands of visitors make an annual trip to Ennis to view this wonderful wildflower show.
The Ennis Garden Club will drive the trails to check the bloom status each week starting in April and the report to the Ennis Convention and Visitors Bureau about the latest status of the bluebonnets so that visitors can be well informed where the best flowers are on the trails at the time of their visit.
Each year, the bluebonnets will appear on different trails as these are natural to the area. In Ennis, the bluebonnets TYPICALLY peak around the 3rd week of April, according to the Ennis Garden Club. This can vary year to year due to weather conditions and terrain, so please check our website or call 972-878-4748 before your visit.
The Ennis CVB will be open 7 days a week in April to go over trail maps with visitors.
Mon.- Fri. 8am - 5pm, Saturdays 9am - 5pm, and Sunday 11am - 5pm.
Address002 East Ennis Avenue
CSZEnnis, TX 78119
Phone 1(972) 878-4748
Handicapped AccessibleNo
Time Allowance2-3 hours
Last Updated9/11/2018


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