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Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Québec
Quebec Quebec Culture

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NameCathedral of the Holy Trinity Québec
Address31, rue des Jardins
Québec, QC G1R 4L6
Brief DescriptionFirst Anglican Cathedral outside the British Isles
DescriptionThe Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, is the first Anglican cathedral built outside the British Isles. Nestled in the heart of Old Quebec, it is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Quebec and home to two parishes: the Parish of Quebec and the Paroisse de Tous les Saints.

Individual Guided Visits

The Cathedral is open to the general public from 10AM to 5PM every day of the week from May to November. During our 30-45 minute guided visits, our tour guides gives explanations on the architecture, the bells, the Royal Pew, St. Matthew’s Chapel, the chancel, the organs, the stained glass windows, the altar frontals and enters in the King’s Gift Exhibit. Cost of visits: $6.00

Group Visits

The Cathedral is open all year long for tour operators and organised groups. We offer general tours of the Cathedral, but we also have specific tours with an emphasis on the Cathedral’s architecture / the cultural significance of the Cathedral / religion oriented
reservations are mandatory. For booking:

The Permanent Exhibit: The King’s Gift

While it was under construction, King George III commissioned the Royal Goldsmiths, Rundell and Bridge, to create an exceptional 10-piece silver Communion Service for the new Cathedral. The altar candlesticks, chalices and other elements are richly adorned, bearing the Arms of the King and of the Diocese of Quebec. This Communion Service is one of the finest examples of Georgian silver ever made. Truly a royal gift!
Phone 1(418) 692-2193
Handicapped AccessibleYes
Social LinksFacebook 
Last Updated8/28/2017
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Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Québec - Québec, QC  G1R 4L6
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