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Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Fort Smith Montana National Park

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NameBighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Address20 Highway 14A East
Fort Smith, MT
Brief DescriptionNational Recreation Area
CategoryNational Park
DescriptionBighorn Canyon National Recreation Area was established by an act of Congress on October 15, 1966, following the construction of the Yellowtail Dam by the Bureau of Reclamation. This dam, named after the famous Crow chairman Robert Yellowtail, harnessed the waters of the Bighorn River and turned this variable stream into a magnificent lake. Bighorn Lake extends approximately 60 miles through Wyoming and Montana, 55 miles of which are held within spectacular Bighorn Canyon. The Recreation Area is composed of 70,000+ acres, which straddles the northern Wyoming and southern Montana borders. There are two visitor centers and other developed facilities in Fort Smith, Montana and near Lovell, Wyoming. The Afterbay Lake below the Yellowtail Dam is a good spot for trout fishing and wildlife viewing for ducks, geese and other animals. The Bighorn River below the Afterbay Dam is a world class trout fishing area. Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area is a lesser known treasure waiting to be discovered. It boasts breath-taking scenery, countless varieties of wildlife, and abundant recreational opportunities, such as boating, fishing, ice fishing, camping, and hiking. Bighorn Canyon offers visitors what few other National Park areas can, that of solitude, serenity, and beauty. In the midst of our chaotic world, this is a truly unique quality. Yellowtail Dam Visitor Center, Fort Smith, Montana, and the top of the Dam is handicapped accessible. The tour of the dam and power house requires walking flights of stairs at several points along the tour. Bighorn Canyon Visitor Center, Lovell, Wyoming is fully accessible including a nature trail encompassing the reflection pond behind the building. Crooked Creek Contact Station is also fully accessible.
Phone 1(406) 666-2412
Phone 2(307) 548-2251
Handicapped AccessibleYes
Last Updated1/23/2013
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Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area - Fort Smith, MT

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